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兒童增免疫口服液 DEFENCE kidz syrup(預購產品)




產品特點 :
• 蜂膠、紫錐花相互發揮作用,為兒童提供多道免疫屏障
• 尤其減少兒童流鼻水、鼻塞、打噴嚏、容易生病情況
• 同時包含維他命A、B、C、E,方便無煩惱
• 黑加侖子味,兒童入口不抗拒
• 草本配方,溫和性質
• 無依賴性、無西藥、無副作用
*適合1-12 歲的兒童,適合免疫力低下,經常生病,有鼻敏感症狀,或正在服用抗生素的兒童*


A natural blend of Echinacea, Pleorotus ostreatus and Propolis, it strengthens children’s body defense during the winter periods or seasonal changes.

Product highlights :
Stimulates the body’s defense
Helps strengthen children during the winter periods or seasonal changes.
Derived from natural vegetables and fruits, safe and efficient
Pleasant taste, suitable for children
*Children aged between 1-12 who are in periods with special body wear and stress (sports competitions, exams, etc.) or taking or have taken antibiotics.*

Availability: In stock

主要成分 :  維他命C、維他命E、蜂膠、紫錐花、平菇濃縮提取物、維他命B6、B2、A、葉酸、維他命B12 成分特點 :
  • 蜂膠 – 含多種天然活性成份,全面提升兒童免疫力
  • 含有維他命A, B2, B6, B12, C, E及葉酸等多種營養素
  • 紫錐花 – 有助舒緩感冒症狀
  • 平菇含β-葡聚醣及人體健康所需元素,使身體更強壯
  • 黑加侖子味, 美味可口
服用方法 : (產品內附送刻度量匙,使用前先搖勻。) 7-12 歲兒童 : 每天午餐及晚餐後使用,每次1湯匙 (10毫升) 3-6 歲兒童 : 每天午餐及晚餐後使用,每次1/2湯匙 (5毫升) 1-2 歲兒童 : 每天午餐及晚餐後使用,每次1/4茶匙 (2.5毫升) 0 歲兒童 :  使用份量,請諮詢醫生意見   Active Ingredients :  L- Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin E, Propolis, Echinacea, Pleorotus ostreatus, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, Vitamin A, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12. Ingredient features:
  • Mushroom extract (Pleorotus ostreatus)- containing β- glucan, Pleuran, boost immunity and relieve respiratory symptoms effectively.
  • Propolis Bosst immunity effectively, it is also antibacterial; studies have shown that propolis extract can relieve the symptoms of respiratory infection
  • Echinacea widely used for over 400 years, it boosts immunity, relieve pain, reduce inflammation,. It also is antibacterial, and a strong antioxidant.
Serving direction : Children between 4-12 years: Take 1-2 tablespoons (10-20 ml) a day. Children of 3 years: Take half tablespoon (5 ml), 1-2 times a day. Children between 1 and 2 years: Take 1 teaspoon (2.5 ml), 1-2 times a day. Do not recommend for children under 1 year old.




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