$1,608.0 $1,340.0
• 含接骨木莓果精華,為傳統常用的草本植物,研究發現有助緩解傷風咳嗽等症狀
• 尤加利葉專門針對上呼吸道不適,化痰、喉嚨痛、流鼻水、鼻塞一次性清除
• 進一步加入蜂膠、薄荷,額外提供消炎殺菌作用
• 接骨木莓果味,微甜果香,受小朋友喜愛
• 無依賴性、無西藥、無副作用
*適合1-12 歲的兒童
A natural blend of Echinacea, Pleorotus ostreatus and Propolis, it strengthens children’s body defense during the winter periods or seasonal changes.
Product highlights :
Stimulates the body’s defense
Helps strengthen children during the winter periods or seasonal changes.
Derived from natural vegetables and fruits, safe and efficient
Pleasant taste, suitable for children
*Children aged between 1-12 who are in periods with special body wear and stress (sports competitions, exams, etc.) or taking or have taken antibiotics.*
Availability: In stock
- 尤加利 – 舒緩上呼吸道不適徵狀
- 接骨木莓果、百里香 – 能增強上呼吸道及氣管抵抗力
- 蜂膠 – 含多種天然活性成份,全面提升兒童呼吸道免疫力
- 接骨木莓果味, 味道可口
營養資料 Nutrition Information | 每食用份量 Per Serving |
能量 Energy | 12.2 Kcal |
蛋白質 Protein | 0.00 g |
總脂肪 Total Fat 飽和脂肪 Saturated Fat 反式脂肪 Trans Fat | 0.00 g 0.00 g 0.00 g |
碳水化合物 Carbohydrates 糖 Sugar | 3.04 g 2.39 g |
鈉 Sodium | 0.06 g |
維生素C Vitamin C | 15 mg |
接骨木萃取 Inf. of Elder | 1.5 g |
蜂膠萃取 Inf. of Propolis | 0.25 g |
百里香萃取 Inf. of Thyme | 0.25 g |
薄荷萃取 Inf. of Mint | 0.25 g |
圓葉茅膏菜萃取 Inf. of Sundew | 0.25 g |
尤加利萃取 Inf. of Eucalyptus | 0.25 g |
樂蜀葵根凍乾萃取Inf. of Marshmallow | 0.25 g |
- Mushroom extract (Pleorotus ostreatus)- containing β- glucan, Pleuran, boost immunity and relieve respiratory symptoms effectively.
- Propolis Bosst immunity effectively, it is also antibacterial; studies have shown that propolis extract can relieve the symptoms of respiratory infection
- Echinacea widely used for over 400 years, it boosts immunity, relieve pain, reduce inflammation,. It also is antibacterial, and a strong antioxidant.
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