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COMP-10 男性專用酊劑


Soria Natural的Composor S.XXI系列根據植物療法的最新科學進展配製:

  • 添加了環糊精。
  • 更好的吸收。
  • 更高的生物利用率。
  • 植物甘油。
  • 保證了活性成分的含量。
  • 無酒精。


Blend of pepperwort, saw palmetto and red stinkwood with vitamins and minerals.

Herbal combination with anti-inflammatory properties, helping men with prostatic gland hyperplasia.

The range Composor S.XXI of Soria Natural is formulated according to the latest scientific advances in phytotherapy:

  • With cyclodextrins.
  • Better absorption.
  • Greater bioavailability.
  • Vegetable glycerin.
  • Save guaranteed amount of active ingredients.
  • Alcohol-free.

Availability: In stock




每 3 mL
維生素B6 1.4 mg (100%*)
6 mg (60%*)
55 微克 (100%*)
類黃酮 6 mg
* NRV – 營養素參考值


  1. 支持攝護腺健康:寬葉獨行菜被認為對攝護腺健康有益,可能有助於減輕攝護腺增生(BPH)引起的症狀,如尿頻、尿急和尿流細弱。這對於男性的泌尿系統功能至關重要。
  2. 抗氧化作用:寬葉獨行菜含有抗氧化物質,有助於對抗自由基的損害,保護細胞免受氧化壓力,並有助於維持細胞健康。
  3. 營養補充:寬葉獨行菜可能含有豐富的營養素,如維生素和礦物質,有助於維持男性身體健康和功能。


  1. 改善攝護腺問題:被廣泛用於支援攝護腺健康,特別是對於良性攝護腺增生(BPH)有一定的緩解作用。BPH是指攝護腺的非惡性增生,可能導致尿頻、尿急、尿流細弱等問題,而鋸棕櫚被認為有助於減輕這些症狀。
  2. 改善男性荷爾蒙平衡:研究顯示,鋸棕櫚可能對男性荷爾蒙(睾酮)水平有一定的調節作用,可能有助於改善男性性慾和性功能。


  1. 前列腺保健:被認為對男性的前列腺健康有益,有助於緩解前列腺增生(BPH)引起的症狀,如頻尿、尿急、尿流不暢等。
  2. 改善男性性功能:一究顯示,非洲臀果木可能對男性的性功能有一定的促進作用,有助於提升性慾和性能力。


  1. 支持性激素調節:維生素B6參與身體內多種代謝反應,其中包括性激素的合成和調節。性激素對於男性的性功能和性慾起著重要作用,維生素B6有助於維持適當的性激素水平,有可能對性功能有積極影響。
  2. 改善神經傳遞:維生素B6在神經系統中發揮重要作用,有助於神經傳遞的正常運作。正常的神經功能對於性慾、勃起和性愉悅感至關重要。
  3. 促進能量代謝:維生素B6參與身體的能量代謝過程,有助於提供身體所需的能量,包括性活動所需的能量。身體有足夠的能量支持,對於維持健康的性功能和性表現是重要的。
  4. 維持心血管健康:維生素B6有助於調節心血管系統的功能,保持血管的彈性和通暢,有助於促進血液循環,包括陰莖血流,對於勃起功能有一定幫助。


  1. 支持睪固酮合成:鋅是睪固酮合成的關鍵成分。睪固酮是男性主要的性激素,對於男性性慾、勃起功能、精子生成等方面都有重要作用。
  2. 提高精子質量:鋅有助於提高精子的質量和運動能力,進而改善男性的生育能力。
  3. 改善勃起功能:一些研究顯示,鋅補充可能對改善勃起功能有一定的幫助,特別是在與鋅缺乏相關的情況下。
  4. 支持免疫系統:鋅對於維持免疫系統的正常功能至關重要,有助於防禦身體免受感染和疾病。


  1. 促進血液循環:類黃酮具有抗氧化和抗炎作用,可以幫助保護血管免受氧化壓力和炎症的損害,從而促進血液循環,包括陰莖血流,對於勃起功能可能有所幫助。
  2. 支持內皮功能:內皮細胞是血管內壁的細胞層,保持內皮功能對於維持正常的血管擴張和收縮很重要,而類黃酮被認為有助於支持內皮功能。
  3. 調節激素水平:類黃酮可能對於調節某些激素的水平具有影響,例如雌激素和睪固酮,這些激素在男性的性功能和生殖健康方面起著重要作用。
  4. 改善性慾:類黃酮被認為對於改善性慾有一定作用,可能通過對中樞神經系統的影響,提高性慾和性愉悅感。













Main Ingredients

Per 3 mL: fluid extract of pepperwort (Lepidium latifolium L, aerial p.) (1,8 g), fluid extract of saw palmetto (Serenoa repens Bartram, fruit) (548 mg), fluid extract of red stinkwood (Pygeum africanum Hook f, bark) (548 mg), gamma-cyclodextrins (171 mg), alpha-cyclodextrins (131 mg), water, humectant: glycerin, zinc gluconate, pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vit B6), L-selenomethionine.

Active compounds

Per 3 mL
Vitamin B6 1.4 mg (100%*)
Zinc 6 mg (60%*)
Selenium 55 ľg (100%*)
Flavonoids 6 mg
* NRV – Nutrient Reference Values


  1. Supports prostate health: Broadleaf dock is believed to be beneficial for prostate health and may help alleviate symptoms caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) such as frequent urination, urgency, and weak urine flow. This is crucial for male urinary system function.
  2. Antioxidant properties: Broadleaf dock contains antioxidant compounds that help combat damage caused by free radicals, protect cells from oxidative stress, and contribute to maintaining cellular health.
  3. Nutritional supplementation: Broadleaf dock may contain abundant nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, which contribute to maintaining overall male body health and function.

Saw palmetto

  1. Improvement of Prostate Issues: Widely used to support prostate health, especially in alleviating symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH refers to the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland, which can lead to issues such as frequent urination, urgency, and weak urine flow. Saw Palmetto is believed to help alleviate these symptoms.
  2. Balancing Male Hormones: Research indicates that Saw Palmetto may have a regulatory effect on male hormones, including testosterone levels. This potential hormone-balancing effect may contribute to improved male sexual desire and function.

Red stinkwood

  1. Prostate Health: It is believed to be beneficial for male prostate health, helping to alleviate symptoms caused by prostate enlargement (BPH), such as frequent urination, urgency, and weak urine flow.
  2. Improvement of Male Sexual Function: Some studies suggest that Pygeum Africanum may have a positive effect on male sexual function, aiding in enhancing sexual desire and performance.

Vitamin B6

  1. Supports Hormonal Regulation: Vitamin B6 is involved in various metabolic reactions in the body, including the synthesis and regulation of hormones. Hormones play a crucial role in male sexual function and libido, and Vitamin B6 helps maintain appropriate hormone levels, which may positively impact sexual function.
  2. Improvement of Neurotransmission: Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the nervous system and aids in normal neurotransmission. Normal nerve function is essential for libido, erections, and sexual pleasure.
  3. Promotes Energy Metabolism: Vitamin B6 participates in the body’s energy metabolism processes, providing the energy needed, including for sexual activity. Having sufficient energy support is vital for maintaining healthy sexual function and performance.
  4. Maintains Cardiovascular Health: Vitamin B6 helps regulate the cardiovascular system, maintaining blood vessel elasticity and smoothness, promoting blood circulation, including penile blood flow, and aiding in erectile function.


  1. Supports Testosterone Synthesis: Zinc is a critical component in the synthesis of testosterone. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, and it plays a crucial role in male libido, erectile function, sperm production, and other aspects of male sexuality.
  2. Improves Sperm Quality: Zinc helps improve sperm quality and motility, thereby enhancing male fertility.
  3. Enhances Erectile Function: Some studies suggest that zinc supplementation may have a positive effect on improving erectile function, especially in cases related to zinc deficiency.
  4. Supports the Immune System: Zinc is essential for maintaining normal immune system function, helping defend the body against infections and diseases.


  1. Promotes Blood Circulation: Flavonoids have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help protect blood vessels from oxidative stress and inflammation, thus promoting blood circulation, including penile blood flow, which may aid in erectile function.
  2. Supports Endothelial Function: Endothelial cells are the cells lining the inner walls of blood vessels, and maintaining endothelial function is crucial for normal blood vessel dilation and constriction. Flavonoids are believed to support endothelial function.
  3. Regulates Hormone Levels: Flavonoids may have an impact on regulating certain hormone levels, such as estrogen and testosterone, which play important roles in male sexual function and reproductive health.
  4. Improves Libido: Flavonoids are thought to have a certain effect on improving libido, possibly through their influence on the central nervous system, increasing sexual desire and pleasure.


Adults and children over the age of 14: take 1 ml diluted in water 3 times a day.


Do not recommend for those allergic to any of its components, gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcer, hypothyroidism, pregnant and breastfeeding women.


Shake before use.
Since this is a natural product, variations of taste, smell and texture may occur among different production batches.
Store in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Keep out of reach of small children.

Do not use as a substitute for a varied and well-balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Do not exceed the expressly recommended dose.

Recommended to consult a professional, for those who have heart and kidney failure, taking anticoagulant and platelet anti-aggregant medicines, using hormonal treatments and plants with phytoestrogens.


Store in a cool and dry place.


1 bottle/box, 50 ml/bottle

If you feel unwell or have an allergic reaction, please stop taking this product. Patients with chronic diseases, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or those who are receiving drug treatment should consult their doctors before taking this product. Before taking the product, please read carefully the contents of the product on the package. Please store the product according to the instructions on the outer box.

This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claims made for this product have not been reviewed for the purposes of such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.


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