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13-S 達米阿那精華 13-S DAMIANA – CAPS. XXI


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提升男士表現,平衡男性身心健康 提升能力,雄風凜冽 天然草本配方,安全可靠 關注生殖系統健康男士 12小時長效緩釋 四層溶解系統確保最佳效果 冷凍乾燥技術保存營養 純素食膠囊 活性成分: 達米阿那萃取*。 其他成分: 穩定劑(E460)*、上光劑 (中性甲基丙烯酸共聚物)、抗結劑 (E553(iii))*、上光劑 (E464)*。*天然來源 建議服用量: 每12 小時以清水送服1 粒。 禁忌: 對任何成分敏感人士、孕婦和哺乳期婦女、患有焦慮症、失眠、心跳過快及腸易激綜合症人士不宜服用。 注意:長期服藥人士請先諮詢專業人士意見 儲存方法: 存放在陰涼乾燥處。 包裝: 每盒30粒,每粒690毫克
Nutrition Information/營養資料 Servings Per Package/每包裝所含食用分量數目:    30 Serving Size/食用分量  690mg
每食用分量/Per serving
能量 Energy 2.25千卡/kcal
蛋白質 Proteins 0.03 克/g
總脂肪 Total Fat  -飽和脂肪 Saturated fat  -反式脂肪 Trans fat 0.01克/g 0.00克/g 0.00克/g
碳水化合物 Carbohydrates  -糖 Sugar 0.5克/g 0.02克/g
鈉 Sodium 0.31毫克/mg
達米阿那 Lyophilized extract of Damiana 300毫克/mg
This extract made of damiana is especially indicated for several problems such as asthenia, convalescence, depression and sexual dysfunction. It exerts its action on the nervous system as it is general tonic, aphrodisiac and antidepressant.
Prolonged-release capsules > Standardized ingredients > Highest concentration of active principles > Natural ingredients > 100% vegetarian-vegan > Pesticide-free13
Active Ingredients: Lyophilized extract of Damiana. Other Ingredients: Stabilizer (E460), Glazing agent (Neutral methacrylate copolymer), Anti-caking Agent (E553(iii))*, Glazing agent(E464)* *Natural Source Instruction: Take 1 capsule every 12 hours, with a large glass of water. Contraindications: Do not recommend for those allergic to any of its components, pregnant women and breastfeeding women, clients with anxiety, insomnia, tachycardia or irritable bowel syndrome.  Precaution:Recommended to consult a professional, for those who are taking medications on a long-term basis. Packing: 30 Capsules, 690 mg per capsules



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