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極易纖 CAPSLIM gel sachets


《極易纖》 (14包)
第二式 – 截肥燃脂

草本瘦身系列之另一皇牌!是獨家天然瘦身草本配方,切合現代人生活忙碌無暇,以無須改變飲食習慣、多做運動的情怳下,輕鬆有效燒脂、減肥、又排毒,自然瘦身更健康!研究證實於4星期內有效減少4% 體重及減低身體脂肪比率

Clean Diet 系列的Capslim 凝膠是一種易於服用的補充劑,由濃縮的辣椒提取物 (Capsicum annuum L.) 和綠茶提取物 (Camelia sinensis L.) 製成,可刺激產熱效應,有助於 增加能量消耗,減少體內脂肪堆積。

Clean Diet 是一項由 Soria Natural 的醫生和營養師團隊支持和監督的健康飲食計劃,通過它您將學會在享受它的同時健康飲食,消除可能對您的健康產生負面影響的食物,並將健康食物和身體健康相結合 鍛煉。
營養計劃包括對 Soria Natural 產品系列的建議,這些產品專門設計用於減少不良飲食的負面影響。

適合對象 :

• 想改善肥胖、身型的人士

• 新陳代謝較慢人士

• 少運動人士

“Capslim”  (14 Sachets)

Our exclusive natural herbal formula for weight loss does not require additional changes of eating and exercising habit, that is particularly suitable for hectic metropolitan to achieve fat burning, weight controlling and detoxifying in an effortless, healthy, natural way.

Research showed that Capslim can reduce 4% weight and body fat percentage within 4 weeks.

Capslim Gel from the Soria Natural Clean Diet range is an easy-to-take supplement made with concentrated capsicum extract (Capsicum annuum L.) and green tea extract (Camelia sinensis L.) to stimulate thermogenesis and help Increase energy consumption and reduce body fat accumulation.

The Clean Diet is a healthy eating plan supported and supervised by Soria Natural’s team of physicians and nutritionists, through which you will learn to eat healthy while enjoying it, eliminating foods that may negatively affect your health, and bringing healthy Food and physical fitness combined with exercise.
The nutrition plan includes advice on the Soria Natural range of products, which are specifically designed to reduce the negative effects of a poor diet.

Availability: In stock

主要成分 :

  • 菊苣纖維 – 促進腸道蠕動,並帶來飽足感,有助控制體重
  • 山茶樹葉提取物 – 減少脂肪的吸收
  • 酪氨酸、脫水咖啡因 – 幫助消耗更多的熱量
  • 維他命C
  • 鈣 (碳酸鈣) – 幫助代謝脂肪,加速燃燒脂肪
  • 辣椒提取物 – 能刺激熱量消耗,避免脂肪在體內積聚

產品特點 :

• 促進新陳代謝,以幫助減少體內脂肪積聚

• 刺激身體發熱,以幫助身體消耗熱量

• 增加脂肪分解及燃燒

• 增加ATP的合成,為身體提供更多能量

• 抑制脂肪的吸收

• 不會過分刺激中樞神經系統

• 避免因減重導致新陳代謝率減慢及肌肉流失

• 提供抗氧化物 (維他命C、兒茶素EGCG)

• 每一包含有80毫克維他命C,是每天所需的80% (中國營養素參考值)

服用方法 :

每日早餐/ 午餐前1包,配合一大杯清水服用 (約250 – 300毫升的室溫水)

**建議在早餐/ 午餐前飲用,因為飲用後會提高身陳代謝率,加快燃燒脂肪。因此,在早上/ 中午前飲用,燃燒脂肪效果會更好,有助一整天燃燒卡路里。

建議服用量:連續服用2 – 3個月效果更好 (視乎想減的磅數而定)
可於女士月經期後,服用7-14天。/ 可於做運動前服用,燃脂效果更快更好。
注意事項 :

  • 本產品含豐富纖維,服用過多可能會造成腸道不適
  • 咖啡因可能會導致糖尿病患者的血糖上升
  • 本產品可能會導致血壓上升
  • 煙草會降低咖啡因的效用,因此吸煙者的效果可能較不顯著
  • 避免與牛奶同時服用,因牛奶會抵消辣椒素的功效
  • 對成分敏感、懷孕及哺乳期間婦女不宜服用
  • 不建議女士月經期間服用,以免造成乳房脹痛、情緒焦慮和易怒
  • 對咖啡因敏感人士不宜服用
  • 每包含有0.1克脫水咖啡因,咖啡因的致死劑量大概為每天12克**Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2013 Dec;34(4):321-4. Fatal caffeine overdose: a case report and review of literature.Jabbar SB1, Hanly MG.


*測試由資深營養師Arlene-frances Wu伍雅芬小姐主理,15個參加者於6星期內,食用西班牙Soria Natural草本瘦身保健品,超過90%參加者成功減肥,最佳成績減15磅,最強減腰5吋。



Active Ingredients :

Inulin, L- Tyrosine, Dry green tea extract, Anhydrous caffeine, Ascorbic acid, Calcium(calcium carbonate), Capsicum concentrated extract.
Ingredient Features:

  • Inulin helps in the regulation of intestinal transit, delays the absorption of some nutrients and creates a feeling of fullness, which is very useful in weight control diets
  • Green tea concentrate (Camellia sinensis L.) – helps decrease the absorption of fat ingested through food.
  • Caffeine and tyrosine – enhance energy consumption increasing fat oxiation.
  • Calcium – research has shown that if we increase calcium intake in people undergoing diet, there is an increase of weight and fat loss
  • Pepper concentrate (Capsicum annuum L.) – stimulates energy expenditure and prevents fat accumulation in the body.

Product Features:

    • Helps to reduce fat accumulation in the body by an increase of the basic metabolism.
    • Produces a stimulation of thermogenesis.
    • Activates lipodieresis is through fat oxidation, fats burn faster.
    • Generates an increase of energy and ATP production.
    • Inhibits the absorption of fats ingested during the diet.
    • CNS is not over-excited as it is well tolerated.
    • Avoids the decrease of the metabolism.

Suitable For: Obese, over weighed, or who aim for weight loss

Instruction: Take 1 sachet a day, diluted in a large glass of water.

1. For its high fibre content, excessive consumption can cause intestinal discomfort.
2. In case of diabetes: caffeine may produce a rise of the glucose plasmatic levels.
3. In case of arterial hypertension: arterial pressure must be checked as it may increase.
4. In smokers it may be less effective because the tobacco increases the clarification of caffeine (more easily removed).

*The test was conducted by senior nutritionist Ms. Arlene-frances Wu. 15 participants took Spanish Soria Natural herbal slimming health products within 6 weeks without special exercise and diet improvement. More than 90% participated Participants successfully lost weight, the best result was 15 pounds, and the strongest waist was 5 inches.

*The effect of the product varies from person to person, with a balanced diet, the effect is better. If you feel unwell or have an allergic reaction, please stop taking this product. Patients with chronic diseases, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or those who are receiving drug treatment should consult their doctors before taking this product. Before taking the product, please read carefully the contents of the product on the package. Please store the product according to the instructions on the outer box.

This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claims made for this product have not been reviewed for the purposes of such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.


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