$9,325.0 $7,980.0
第二式 – 《極易纖》全身燃脂
獨家天然瘦身草本配方,切合現代人生活忙碌無暇,以無須改變飲食習慣、多做運動的情怳下,輕鬆有效燒脂、減肥、又排毒,自然瘦身更健康!由濃縮辣椒萃取和綠茶萃取製成,可刺激產熱效應,有助於增加能量消耗,減少體內脂肪堆積。研究證實於4星期內有效減少4% 體重及減低身體脂肪比率。
Availability: In stock
瓶:保濕劑:甘油,黑蘿蔔濃縮汁(Raphanus sativus L. var. nigra,根)(2682毫克),水,洋薊濃縮液體提取物(Cynara scolymus L,葉)(592毫克),乳薊濃縮液體提取物(Silybum marianum (L) Gaertner,種子)(592毫克),金錢草濃縮液體提取物(Desmodium adscendens DC,葉)(400毫克);酸度調節劑:檸檬酸,鋅吡啶酸鹽,檸檬香精。
1. 排毒 – 黑蘿蔔: 提升肝臟深層排毒所需的酵素活性,促進肝臟深層排毒
2. 修復 – 洋薊: 恢復肝臟健康;促進膽汁合成和分泌,有助穩定膽固醇水平
3. 補肝 – 大豆卵磷脂: 清除肝臟多餘脂肪;促進肝細胞再生;減輕肝臟受酒精傷害,迅速解酒及減少宿醉
4. 強肝 – 乳薊: 增強肝細胞健康,毒素難以進入肝臟和積聚;增加分泌谷胱甘肽(GSH),具肝臟抗氧化能力
5. 抑制 – 金錢草︰含有類黃酮 ,能抑制草酸形成,從而減慢草酸鈣結石與膽結石形成及聚集
每瓶 (10 mL) | |
磷脂酰膽鹼 | 48 mg |
濃縮黑蘿蔔汁 | 2682 mg |
濃縮洋薊液體提取物 | 592 mg |
濃縮乳薊液體提取物 | 592 mg |
濃縮金錢草液體提取物 | 400 mg |
鋅 | 10 mg |
深層排毒補肝 – 每日1瓶,直接或稀釋後飲用,可連續飲用
飲酒應酬人士 – 飲酒前1瓶,飲酒後1瓶
每盒15瓶,每瓶10 mL
產品特點 :
適合對象 :
- 受皮膚問題困擾人士
- 剛接受完抗生素治療
- 剛接受完化療療程
- 長期服用西藥人士
- 吸煙、攝入過量酒精、藥物
- 經常進食烤焗、燒烤、加工食品
- 經常進食海產人士
- 經常接觸有毒化學品、有機溶劑
- 居住在空氣污染問題嚴重的都市人
- 轉季時容易患病
- 容易過敏或出現早衰
- 關注前列腺,膀胱及腎臟健康
主要成分 :
寬葉獨行菜粉末*, 寬葉獨行菜提取物*, 維他命C*, 硫酸亞鐵。
矽化微晶纖維素(微晶纖維素和二氧化矽), 二氧化矽, 鹼性甲基丙烯酸酯共聚物, 脂肪酸鎂鹽, 交聯羧甲基纖維素鈉, 聚乙二醇
* 天然成分
服用方法 :
每日午餐前5-10 分鐘以溫水送服1片﹔
每日餐前5-10 分鐘以溫水送服。
第1星期: 每日午餐前服用1片;
第2-3星期: 每日午餐及晚餐前各服用1片;
第4-7星期: 每日午餐前服用1片。
辣椒素和咖啡因會抑制還原酶的功用,當服用CTP DETOXER 時,建議避免與辣椒、辣味食品,和咖啡一同服用。
抗凝血藥物如雙香豆素、華法林(俗稱薄血丸)或醋酸香豆素會降低CTP DETOXER 的解毒效果。
營養資料 Nutrition Information | 每食用份量/Per Serving |
每包裝所含食用分量數目: 36
食用份量 Serving Size:1片/tablet |
能量 Energy | 3.08千卡/Kcal |
蛋白質 Protein | 0.12克/g |
總脂肪 Total Fat
飽和脂肪 Saturated Fat 反式脂肪 Trans Fat |
0克/g 0克/g |
碳水化合物 Carbohydrates
糖 Sugar |
0毫克/mg |
鈉 Sodium | 1.6毫克/mg |
寬葉獨行菜粉末 Powder of Broad-leaved pepperweed | 304.64毫克/mg |
寬葉獨行菜萃取 Extract of Broad-leaved pepperweed | 205.70 毫克/mg |
維生素C VitaminC | 40毫克/mg |
鐵 iron | 19.04毫克/mg |
• 排水,適合針對擊退水腫型肥胖
• 保持體內細胞水份平衡
• 改善面部及四肢浮腫
• 淨肌排毒,纖形減重第一步
• 準備開始瘦身
• 四肢浮腫、眼腫腫人士
• 飲食較濃味、鹽分較高、多醬汁人士
主要成分 :
洋薊 – 促進膽汁合成,幫助消化
蒲公英 – 利尿、淨化血液
香蜂草 – 促進腸蠕動,通便
羅馬洋甘菊 – 利尿
之後如有需要,例如女士月經期前幾天或月經期間,如有些水腫問題可服用幾天「排水易」。/ 如飲食比較濃味、鹽分較高、多醬汁等的日子,亦可服用幾天「排水易」有助排走毒素和多餘水份。
過量使用可能引起腹瀉。如身體水份過多/ 腸道毒素較多,有機會使便量次數增多
*測試由資深營養師Arlene-frances Wu伍雅芬小姐主理,15個參加者於6星期內,在無須特別運動和改善飲食情況下,配以食用西班牙Soria Natural草本瘦身保健品,超過90%參加者成功減肥,最佳成績減15磅,最強減腰5吋。
營養資料 Nutrition Information | |
每食用份量 Serving size: 20 ml
每包裝所含食用份量數目 Serving per package: 12.5 |
每食用份量/Per serving | |
能量 Energy | 48.374千卡/kcal |
蛋白質 Proteins | 0.026克/g |
總脂肪 Total Fat
-飽和脂肪 Saturated fat -反式脂肪 Trans fat |
0.005克/g 0克/g |
碳水化合物 Carbohydrates
-糖 Sugar |
0克/g |
鈉 Sodium | 19微克/µg |
洋薊萃取Conc. infusion of Artichoke | 474毫克/mg |
蒲公英萃取Conc. infusion of Dandelion | 284毫克/mg |
香蜂草萃取Conc. infusion of Lemon balm | 284毫克/mg |
羅馬洋甘菊萃取Con. infusion of Roman Chamomile | 190毫克/mg |
主要成分 :
- 菊苣纖維 – 促進腸道蠕動,並帶來飽足感,有助控制體重
- 山茶樹葉提取物 – 減少脂肪的吸收
- 酪氨酸、脫水咖啡因 – 幫助消耗更多的熱量
- 維他命C
- 鈣 (碳酸鈣) – 幫助代謝脂肪,加速燃燒脂肪
- 辣椒提取物 – 能刺激熱量消耗,避免脂肪在體內積聚
產品特點 :
• 促進新陳代謝,以幫助減少體內脂肪積聚
• 刺激身體發熱,以幫助身體消耗熱量
• 增加脂肪分解及燃燒
• 增加ATP的合成,為身體提供更多能量
• 抑制脂肪的吸收
• 不會過分刺激中樞神經系統
• 避免因減重導致新陳代謝率減慢及肌肉流失
• 提供抗氧化物 (維他命C、兒茶素EGCG)
• 每一包含有80毫克維他命C,是每天所需的80% (中國營養素參考值)
服用方法 :
每日早餐/ 午餐前1包,配合一大杯清水服用 (約250 – 300毫升的室溫水)
**建議在早餐/ 午餐前飲用,因為飲用後會提高身陳代謝率,加快燃燒脂肪。因此,在早上/ 中午前飲用,燃燒脂肪效果會更好,有助一整天燃燒卡路里。
建議服用量:連續服用2 – 3個月效果更好 (視乎想減的磅數而定)
可於女士月經期後,服用7-14天。/ 可於做運動前服用,燃脂效果更快更好。
注意事項 :
- 本產品含豐富纖維,服用過多可能會造成腸道不適
- 咖啡因可能會導致糖尿病患者的血糖上升
- 本產品可能會導致血壓上升
- 煙草會降低咖啡因的效用,因此吸煙者的效果可能較不顯著
- 避免與牛奶同時服用,因牛奶會抵消辣椒素的功效
- 對成分敏感、懷孕及哺乳期間婦女不宜服用
- 不建議女士月經期間服用,以免造成乳房脹痛、情緒焦慮和易怒
- 對咖啡因敏感人士不宜服用
- 每包含有0.1克脫水咖啡因,咖啡因的致死劑量大概為每天12克**Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2013 Dec;34(4):321-4. Fatal caffeine overdose: a case report and review of literature.Jabbar SB1, Hanly MG.
*測試由資深營養師Arlene-frances Wu伍雅芬小姐主理,15個參加者於6星期內,在無須特別運動和改善飲食情況下,配以食用西班牙Soria Natural草本瘦身保健品,超過90%參加者成功減肥,最佳成績減15磅,最強減腰5吋。
• 提高體內產熱作用燃燒熱量,幫助減重,預防肥胖
• 改善靜脈循環和致水腫因子,預防水液停留所致的水腫
• 預防脂肪積聚,減少局部脂肪細胞的形成
• 改善脂肪團(橘皮組織)及幫助減重
• 舒緩下肢疲累
• 每2片含有每天100%所需的維他命B6、B12 (中國營養素參考值)
• 下身肥胖、水腫、啤梨身型人士
• 希望改善橘皮脂肪組織 (橙皮紋)
• 長期站立或久坐工作
• 黑葡萄(皮、種籽)提取物 – 含有花青素,強效抗氧化; 促進靜脈收縮的作用,幫助調節靜脈血管壁的肌肉,改善血流。藉減低血管穿透性可防止體液流失,令營養素和氧氣傳送到組織,紓緩雙腳疲勞。
• 紅桑子烯酮素 – 間接促進脂肪細胞的脂肪分解,排除身體的局部肥胖,減少「橙皮紋」的形成
• 假葉樹提取物、洋菝葜提取物 – 促進身體淨化能力,排除體內廢物和積聚的毒素
• 馬尾草提取物
• 黑胡椒 – 黑胡椒鹼能抗脂肪肝,及利用脂肪作能量的來源• 維他命B6、維他命B12 – 參與脂肪、蛋白質和碳水化合物的體內代謝,有助消耗熱量• 鉻 + 維他命B6、B12 – 能幫助降低食慾 (特別是甜食)
**建議服用量:連續服用2 – 3個月效果更好
注意事項 :
*測試由資深營養師Arlene-frances Wu伍雅芬小姐主理,15個參加者於6星期內,在無須特別運動和改善飲食情況下,配以食用西班牙Soria Natural草本瘦身保健品,超過90%參加者成功減肥,最佳成績減15磅,最強減腰5吋。
日日上班無時間做運動,外出吃飯餐廳又少健康選擇? 夏天又就快到,肚腩腰間肉一日比一日多,一層變三層? 要打擊頑固脂肪,先由新陳代謝入手。
產品特點 :
• 加速燃燒肚腩脂肪,彎腰無煩惱
• 收緊腹部線條,擁有更吸睛的腰圍
• 阻礙多餘糖份轉化為脂肪,愛甜食女士的救星
• 額外將毒素排出,加速新陳代謝,拒絕體重反彈的情況
• 減少脂肪細胞發大的機會,預防與肥胖相關的慢性疾病 (如糖尿病、高膽固醇和高血壓)
• 全天然成分,無副作用
活性成分 :
茵陳蒿提取物 – 解熱、保肝、降血壓效果,可促進膽汁分泌,有利膽作用;膽汁可刺激肝細胞再生,對保護肝臟非常重要
桑葉提取物 – 利大小腸; 抗三高,抗衰老和預防心肌梗塞等
香蜂草提取物 – 促進腸胃蠕動,幫助消化
Nutrition Information 營養資料 | |||
Serving Per Package/每包裝所含食用分量數目: 28 Serving Size/食用分量: 1050 mg/毫克 | |||
Per Serving/每食用分量 1 Tablet/片 | |||
Energy/能量 | 3.39 kcal/千卡 | Dry extract of Lemon balm/
香蜂草萃取 |
500 mg/毫克 |
Proteins/蛋白質 | 0.3 g/克 | ||
Total Fat/總脂肪
-Saturated fat/飽和脂肪 -Trans fat/反式脂肪 |
0.009 g/克
0.0005 g/克 0.0 g/克 |
Dry extract of Mulberry/桑葉萃取 | 200 mg/毫克 |
-Sugars/糖 |
0.64 g/克
0.1 g/克 |
Dry extract of Yin Chen wormwood/茵陳蒿萃取 | 50 mg/毫克 |
Sodium/鈉 | 2 g/克 |
每天1片 (餐前/ 餐後也可以,但如腸胃消化功能較差,建議餐後服用。)
連續服用 2 – 3 個月效果更好
注意事項 :
本產品含有茵陳蒿,現有或曾患雌激素相關腫瘤 (如子宮肌瘤) 的女士需在醫護專業人士指導下使用
腹部脂肪 – 對健康影響最大的局部脂肪(比較臀部脂肪)。
*測試由資深營養師Arlene-frances Wu伍雅芬小姐主理,15個參加者於6星期內,在無須特別運動和改善飲食情況下,配以食用西班牙Soria Natural草本瘦身保健品,超過90%參加者成功減肥,最佳成績減15磅,最強減腰5吋。
《澱粉切》 (24片)
主要成分 :
白腎豆精華 – 含高蛋白、低脂肪和豐富膳食纖維;
含有菜豆素 (Phaseolamin) 能抑劑α-澱粉酶,有效抑制澱粉的分解,減慢身體對碳水化合物吸收,幫助體重管理
注意事項 :
*測試由資深營養師Arlene-frances Wu伍雅芬小姐主理,15個參加者於6星期內,在無須特別運動和改善飲食情況下,配以食用西班牙Soria Natural草本瘦身保健品,超過90%參加者成功減肥,最佳成績減15磅,最強減腰5吋。
營養資料 Nutritional Information
每包裝含有食用分量/Serving per package:12 食用分量/Serving size: 1g |
每食用分量/Per serving | 營養資料 Nutritional Information | 每食用分量/Per serving |
能量 Energy value Kcal | 3千卡 Kcal | 鈉 Sodium | 0.02克 g |
總脂肪 Fat, of which
– 飽和脂肪 Saturates – 反式脂肪 Trans Fat |
0克 g
0克 g 0克 g |
白腎豆萃取 Extract of White Beans | 850 毫克 mg |
碳水化合物 Carbohydrate, of which
– 糖 Sugars |
0.6克 g
0克 g |
膳食纖維 Dietary fiber | 0.5克 g |
蛋白質 Protein | 0.5克 g |
《強效控》 (28片)
注意:1.切勿攝取超過建議劑量 2.切勿作為代餐 3. 對成分敏感人士、孕婦和哺乳期間的婦女避免服用。儲存方法: 儲存於陰涼乾燥處。
包裝: 每盒28 片,每片650毫克
*測試由資深營養師Arlene-frances Wu伍雅芬小姐主理,15個參加者於6星期內,在無須特別運動和改善飲食情況下,配以食用西班牙Soria Natural草本瘦身保健品,超過90%參加者成功減肥,最佳成績減15磅,最強減腰5吋。
Step 1:《Cyrasil +》+《CTP Dextoxor》
《Cyrasil +》
Cyrasil + vials are made with concentrated juice of black radish, fluid extracts of artichoke, milk thistle and desmodium with zinc and soy lecithin rich in phosphatidylcholine.
Zinc contributes to the protection of cell against oxidative damage and to the normal metabolism of fatty acids. Milk thistle supports liver health, purifying and restoring the organism.
Cap: Soy lecithin rich in phosphatidylcholine, maltodextrins, anticaking agent: silicon dioxide.
Vial: Humectant: glycerin, concentrated juice of BLACK RADISH (Raphanus sativus L. var. nigra, root) (2682 mg), water, concentrated fluid extract of ARTICHOKE (Cynara scolymus L, leaf) (592 mg), concentrated fluid extract of MILK THISTLE (Silybum marianum (L) Gaertner, seed) (592 mg), concentrated fluid extract of DESMODIUM (Desmodium adscendens DC, leaf) (400 mg); acidity regulator: citric acid, zinc picolinate, lemon aroma.
Active compounds
Per vial (10 mL) | |
Phosphatidylcholine | 48 mg |
Conc. juice of Raphanus sativus L | 2682 mg |
Conc. fluid ext. of Cynara scolymus L | 592 mg |
Conc. fluid ext. of Silybum marianum L | 592 mg |
Conc. fluid ext. of Desmodium adscendens DC | 400 mg |
Zinc | 10 mg |
Drink 1 vial directly or diluted with water.
Store in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Keep out of reach of small children.
Do not use as a substitute for a varied and well balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Do not exceed the expressly recommended dose.
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
《CTP Dextoxor》
Product Features :
- Maintain the liver detoxification process
- Discharge the body toxins
- Reduce waste accumulation
- Provide 50% iron (7 mg) and Vitamin C (40 mg) daily
- Clinical Study Report:(Click to see more)
Suitable for :
- As cellular and general detoxifier.
- For treating and strengthening the “terrain”
- Excessive consumption of alcohol, drugs.
- Jobs using organic solvents: painters, carpenters, print shops, dry cleaners etc.
- People exposed to pesticides, insecticides etc.
- Consumption of refined sugar, bakery products, hydrogenated vegetable fats, saturated fats, processed foods
- Prior to slimming treatments
Active ingredient:
Powder of Broad-leaved pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium*), Dry extract of Broad-leaved pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium*), Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Ferrous sulphate.
Silicified Microcrystalline cellulose (microcrystalline cellulose and silicon dioxide), Silicon dioxide, Basic methacrylate copolymer, Fatty acid magnesium salt, Crosslinked sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, Polyethylene glycol
*from natural sources
For a maintenance detoxification, it is recommended to take 1 tablet a day, 5-10 minutes before lunch, with a glass of water.
For an in depth detoxification (of seven weeks), it is recommended to take, 5-10 minutes before lunch , with a glass of water, respecting the following guidelines:
-1 tablet a day during the first week.
-2 tablets a day (2 intakes of 1 tablet) during the second and the third week.
-1 tablet a day during the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh week.
It is recommended to repeat the process every six months.
It is not advisable to use during pregnancy and lactation, and in case of hypothyroidism.
The quinine redutase enzyme can be inhibited by capsaicin and caffeine. Therefore, while taking CTP DETOXER, it is advisable not to consume foods containing such substances as paprika, chillies and similar spicy foods, coffee, etc.
The quinine reductase enzyme can also be inhibited by dicumarol (anticoagulant) so that people taking anticoagulants such as dicumarol, warafarin or sintrom have a reduced effect of CTP DETOXER.
36 Tablets per packaging
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
Step 2: 《DRENALIMP syrup》
“Drenalimp” is one of the trump cards of the herbal slimming series! A selection of herbs with digestive, laxative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and hepatoprotective properties to help cleanse the body from toxins. Starting herbal slimming must be used first, which will greatly improve the overall effect of herbal slimming health products!
Product features:
• Drainage, suitable for repelling edema-type obesity
• Maintain cell water balance in the body
• Improve swelling of the face and limbs
• Muscle cleansing and detoxification, the first step in slimming and weight loss
Suitable for:
• Preparing to lose weight
• Swollen limbs, eyes People with swelling
• People with a diet with strong taste, high salt content, and many sauces
Main ingredients:
Artichoke – promote bile synthesis, help digestion
Dandelion – diuretic, purify blood Lemon balm – promote intestinal peristalsis, laxative Roman chamomile – diuretic
(depending on the diet of each meal)(A graduated measuring cup is included with the product. Shake well before use.) Take 10ml with room temperature water once in the morning and noon each time; or dilute 20ml with 1 liter of room temperature water and drink throughout the day .
**Recommended dosage:
Take it continuously for 1 month, the effect of detoxification and edema will be better.
If necessary afterwards, for example, a few days before or during menstruation, if there is some edema problem, you can take “Drainage Easy” for a few days. / If the diet is relatively strong, with high salt content, and many sauces, etc., you can also take “Draining Easy” for a few days to help flush out toxins and excess water.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is not recommended to use.
If you are allergic to the ingredients, you should not use it.
Excessive use may cause diarrhea.
If you have too much water in your body/intestinal toxins, you may increase the frequency of bowel movements.
*The test was conducted by senior nutritionist Ms. Arlene-frances Wu. 15 participants took Spanish Soria Natural herbal slimming health products within 6 weeks without special exercise and diet improvement. More than 90% participated Participants successfully lost weight, the best result was 15 pounds, and the strongest waist was 5 inches.
*The effect of the product varies from person to person, with a balanced diet, the effect is better. If you feel unwell or have an allergic reaction, please stop taking this product. Patients with chronic diseases, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or those who are receiving drug treatment should consult their doctors before taking this product. Before taking the product, please read carefully the contents of the product on the package. Please store the product according to the instructions on the outer box.
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claims made for this product have not been reviewed for the purposes of such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
Step 3:《QUEMAVIT NEO tablets》
Active Ingredients :
Inulin, L- Tyrosine, Dry green tea extract, Anhydrous caffeine, Ascorbic acid, Calcium(calcium carbonate), Capsicum concentrated extract.
Ingredient Features:
- Inulin helps in the regulation of intestinal transit, delays the absorption of some nutrients and creates a feeling of fullness, which is very useful in weight control diets
- Green tea concentrate (Camellia sinensis L.) – helps decrease the absorption of fat ingested through food.
- Caffeine and tyrosine – enhance energy consumption increasing fat oxiation.
- Calcium – research has shown that if we increase calcium intake in people undergoing diet, there is an increase of weight and fat loss
- Pepper concentrate (Capsicum annuum L.) – stimulates energy expenditure and prevents fat accumulation in the body.
Product Features:
- Helps to reduce fat accumulation in the body by an increase of the basic metabolism.
- Produces a stimulation of thermogenesis.
- Activates lipodieresis is through fat oxidation, fats burn faster.
- Generates an increase of energy and ATP production.
- Inhibits the absorption of fats ingested during the diet.
- CNS is not over-excited as it is well tolerated.
- Avoids the decrease of the metabolism.
Suitable For: Obese, over weighed, or who aim for weight loss
Instruction: Take 1 sachet a day, diluted in a large glass of water.
1. For its high fibre content, excessive consumption can cause intestinal discomfort.
2. In case of diabetes: caffeine may produce a rise of the glucose plasmatic levels.
3. In case of arterial hypertension: arterial pressure must be checked as it may increase.
4. In smokers it may be less effective because the tobacco increases the clarification of caffeine (more easily removed).
*The test was conducted by senior nutritionist Ms. Arlene-frances Wu. 15 participants took Spanish Soria Natural herbal slimming health products within 6 weeks without special exercise and diet improvement. More than 90% participated Participants successfully lost weight, the best result was 15 pounds, and the strongest waist was 5 inches.
*The effect of the product varies from person to person, with a balanced diet, the effect is better. If you feel unwell or have an allergic reaction, please stop taking this product. Patients with chronic diseases, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or those who are receiving drug treatment should consult their doctors before taking this product. Before taking the product, please read carefully the contents of the product on the package. Please store the product according to the instructions on the outer box.
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claims made for this product have not been reviewed for the purposes of such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
Step 4:《CELULIMP tablets》/《ABDOGRAS tablets》
《CELULIMP tablets》
Especially suitable for obese lower body and pear-shaped people!
Improve venous circulation and edema-causing factors, improve cellulite, and relieve lower limb fatigue. Repel cellulite and improve leg lines!
It works better with “Extreme Easy Fiber” and “Drain Easy”!
Product features:
• Improve body thermogenesis to burn calories, help lose weight, prevent obesity
• Improve venous circulation and edema-induced factors, prevent edema caused by water retention
• Prevent fat accumulation, reduce local fat cell formation
• Improve cellulite ( Cellulite) and help weight loss
• Relieve lower limb fatigue
• Each 2 tablets contain 100% of the daily vitamin B6 and B12 (Chinese Nutrient Reference Value)
Suitable for:
• Lower body obesity, edema, pear body type People
who want to improve Cellulite Adipose Tissue (Cellulite)
• Long-term standing or sedentary work
Main ingredients:
Grape (skin, seed) extract, raspberry enone, pseudoleaf tree extract, sarsaparilla extract, horsetail extract, chromium, piperonine, vitamin B12, vitamin B6
Ingredients Features:
• Black grape (skin, seed) extract – Contains anthocyanins, a powerful antioxidant; promotes venous constriction, helps regulate the muscles of the venous wall, and improves blood flow. By reducing the permeability of blood vessels, it can prevent the loss of body fluid, so that nutrients and oxygen can be delivered to the tissues, and relieve the fatigue of the feet.
• Raspberry enone-indirectly promotes the decomposition of fat cells, eliminates partial obesity in the body, and reduces the formation of “cellulite lines”
• Basilisk Leaf Extract, Sarsaparilla Extract – Promotes the body’s ability to purify, rid the body of waste and accumulated toxins
• Horsetail extract
• Black pepper – black piperine can resist fatty liver, and use fat as energy source • Vitamin B6, vitamin B12 – participate in the metabolism of fat, protein and carbohydrates in the body, help to consume calories • Chromium + vitamin B6, B12 – can Helps reduce appetite (especially sweets)
Dosage: (depending on the diet of each meal)
Two capsules per day (one capsule each before lunch and dinner)
**Suggested dosage: take it continuously for 2-3 months for better results
Precautions :
- This product may cause blood sugar spikes
- Those who are sensitive to raspberry enone may experience nervousness, rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure
- Women who are sensitive to ingredients, pregnant and breastfeeding should not take it
*The test was conducted by senior nutritionist Ms. Arlene-frances Wu. 15 participants took Spanish Soria Natural herbal slimming health products within 6 weeks without special exercise and diet improvement. More than 90% participated Participants successfully lost weight, the best result was 15 pounds, and the strongest waist was 5 inches.
*The effect of the product varies from person to person, with a balanced diet, the effect is better. If you feel unwell or have an allergic reaction, please stop taking this product. Patients with chronic diseases, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or those who are receiving drug treatment should consult their doctors before taking this product. Before taking the product, please read carefully the contents of the product on the package. Please store the product according to the instructions on the outer box.
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claims made for this product have not been reviewed for the purposes of such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
《ABDOGRAS tablets》
Abdogras helps in metabolism and mobilization of fats, contributes to reduce its accumulation. It helps to decrease abdominal fat, mainly visceral fat. It contributes to loss of weight and to reduce the perimeter of the waist. Preventive of some chronic pathologies associated with obesity: diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, atrial hypertension.
Product Features:
- Promote abdominal fat metabolism for a flat belly
- Reduce waist circumference and tighten abs
- Prevent excess sugar turning into fats
- Speed up cleansing and rid the body of toxins
Suitable For:
Adjuvant in fat belly, obesity and overweight treatment
Active Ingredients :
Dry extract of Lemon balm*, Dry extract of Mulberry*, Dry extract of Yin Chen wormwood*.
Stabilizers (microcrystalline cellulose*, cross-linked sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), Anti-caking agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids).
*From natural source
Main ingredients :
Artemisia annua extract – antipyretic, liver protection, blood pressure lowering effect, can promote bile secretion, and has a beneficial effect on gallbladder; bile can stimulate liver cell regeneration, which is very important for protecting the liver
Mulberry leaf extract – beneficial to the large and small intestine; anti-three highs, anti-aging and prevention of myocardial infarction, etc.
Lemon Balm Extract – Promotes gastrointestinal motility and aids digestion
Dosage: (depending on the diet of each meal)
1 tablet per day (before/after meals are also acceptable, but if the digestive function of the stomach is poor, it is recommended to take after meals.)
**Recommended dosage: take 2-3 months continuously for better results
This product contains lemon balm, and people with hypothyroidism should use it under the guidance of a healthcare professional
This product contains Artemisia annua, women who have or have suffered from estrogen-related tumors (such as uterine fibroids) should use it under the guidance of medical professionals
Women who are sensitive to ingredients, pregnant and breastfeeding should not take it
For more information:
Belly Fat – The localized fat with the greatest health impact (compare hip fat).
Intrinsic fat has been proven to be a contributing factor to many chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer and more. Visceral fat cells release fatty acids. If excess fatty acids are not stored in adipose tissue, they will be stored in other parts of the body, such as the liver, pancreas and heart. As a result, the body’s insulin capacity will decrease.
In adults, most of the body’s tissue does not continue to grow, only fat tissue. And when adipocytes store fat beyond capacity, they stimulate angiogenesis. Studies have confirmed that the ingredients in Abdogras can inhibit angiogenesis factors, effectively regulate the size and number of fat cells, reduce abdominal fat accumulation, reduce triglyceride deposition in other organs, such as liver, heart, etc., and also improve liver fat metabolism.
help fat metabolism
Prevent and address central obesity, obesity
*The test was conducted by senior nutritionist Ms. Arlene-frances Wu. 15 participants took Spanish Soria Natural herbal slimming health products within 6 weeks without special exercise and diet improvement. More than 90% participated Participants successfully lost weight, the best result was 15 pounds, and the strongest waist was 5 inches.
*The effect of the product varies from person to person, with a balanced diet, the effect is better. If you feel unwell or have an allergic reaction, please stop taking this product. Patients with chronic diseases, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or those who are receiving drug treatment should consult their doctors before taking this product. Before taking the product, please read carefully the contents of the product on the package. Please store the product according to the instructions on the outer box.
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claims made for this product have not been reviewed for the purposes of such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
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